Energy Gemstone Stacker Bracelets - 6mm

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Awaken your true nature with Shakti, the creative feminine energy of the universe utilizing crystals, coaching and energy healing. Be the SOULution.

Chakra Connection

Pure gemstone healing vibes in these elastic stacker bracelets. 

Balance your chakras, raise your vibe, create a field of protective energy and so much more with these little bracelets. 

Wear one or combine several for your own unique combination of stacker bracelets and energy.

All beads are approximately 6mm. 

Sizes: 7” unless otherwise marked. Fits most wrists. 8" fits most male wrists.

Handmade with love in Colorado.

Amazonite, $12 Flow, Stress Relief, Integrity, Truth, Positive Outlook, Focus, Alleviates Fear & Worry, Universal Love
Amethyst, $13 Transformation, Spirituality, Intuition, Higher Mind, Inner Peace, Transmutes Negative Energy
Blue Lace Agate, $45/$53 Communication, Clarity, Confidence, Openness, Inner Wisdom, Connection to Highest Truth, Loyalty, Calming
Citrine, $42/$49 Dissipates and Transmutes Negative Energy, Happy, Wealth, Energy, Creative, Courage, Self-Confidence, Motivation
Garnet, $12 Health, Vitality, Love, Motivation, Balanced Energy Flow, Courage, Motivation, Passion, Clears Negative Energy
Golden Rutilated Quartz, $16  Manifestation, High Vibes, Psychic Abilities, Divine Inspiration, Healing, Angelic Guidance
Green Onyx, $11 Strength, Willpower, Discipline, Heart Wisdom, Repels Negativity, Authenticity
Howlite, $12 Patience, Calms Stress, Insight, Calms Inner Communication, Awareness, Self-Acceptance, Discernment
Labradorite, $16  Intuition, Protection, Trust, Clears the Aura, Discernment, Karmic Awareness, Realize Your Purpose, Faith in Self
Mookaite, $11 Energy, Ideas, Enthusiasm, Kindness, Personal Power, Inner Knowing, Trusting Yourself, Emotional Growth
Nephrite Jade, $11 Healing, Root Cause of Dis-Ease, Abundance, Manifestation, Soothing, Protection, Balance, Love, Confidence
Onyx, $10 Grounding, Protective, Cleansing, Self-Control, Clear Decisions, Happiness, Good Fortune, Rooted Spirituality
Rainbow Fluorite, $17  Mental Clarity, Clears Energy, Heart Mind Balance, New Beginnings, Discernment, Psychic Protection
Red Tiger's Eye, $11 Grounding, Vitality, Personal Power, Optimism, Discernment, Strength, Motivation, Prosperity
Shungite, $19 EMF Protection, Detoxification, Emotional Well-Being, Neutralize Negative Energy, Grounding, Calming
Snowflake Obsidian, $11 Calming, Soothing, Upgrade Patterns & Habits, Grounding, Psychic Abilities, Past Life
Recall, Problem Solving
Sodalite, $12 Intuition, Meditation, Truthfulness, Access to Subconscious, Self-Trust, Clarity, Meditation, Shine Your Inner Light
Tiger Eye, $11 Vitality, Personal Power, Optimism, Courage, Motivation, Accomplishing Goals, Prosperity
Tree Agate, $11
Abundance, Good Luck, Protective, Self-Worth, Nature Guides, Calming, Slowing Down, Love is the Medicine
Unicorn Stone, $16
Calming, Clear Decisions, Spiritual Awakening, Joy, Empathy, Positivity, Protection, Releasing Tension, Opening the Heart

